Just One of Them Days....

Just One of Them Days....

For those that know me well, you know that I am a huge advocate of therapy. 

I have seen several therapists throughout my lifetime, all of who helped me through various stages of my life. 

When I launched my coaching business last October, I knew it was the perfect time for me to find a new therapist to work with. After all, I am a full believer of doing continuous work on myself, as I help others on their journeys of self discovery as well. 

I began the tedious task of doing research on different therapists in the city, and finally landed on someone that I wanted to explore further with a consultation. 

Ironically, the day after I learned of my abnormal Mammogram and Ultrasound, I had my first consultation with her. 

Talk about timing. 

I remember sitting down in her office, and not more than 5 minutes had passed of exchanging pleasantries, when really you know this bitch just wants to dive right in.

You know when you see a therapist and they just look at you for a moment, like you are just supposed to start talking about your shit? You kind of look at each other for 5 minutes and half smile awkwardly, and then finally you say, "Should I just start talking?"

I think she asked me what I do for a living, and I started sobbing. Full on body shake. 

She has her work cut out with me, that's for sure. 

As I am navigating on this journey, I am reminded that it is so important for me to have a very objective resource to help me cope with all of these new emotions that I am trying to make sense of. I feel this sense of kismet about finding her at the exact moment I knew I would really need her.  Of course we aren't just talking about cancer, but so much of how I am reacting to this really ties into other events in my life, and I find it so healthy to explore that. 

Key takeaways: Therapy is dope. Don't knock it till ya try it.

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MRI's & Drake

MRI's & Drake